Friday, March 18, 2011


As you guys know, Charlie Sheen is like EVERYWHERE; I mean hes like my hero now. He has TWO girlfriends like whoa. Well today he announced that he was going to move into a different house because, the house he has now has too many memories; and by memories, I'm sure he means stains..

Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan and Other news. :P

I'm pretty sure everyones heard about Japan, but if you haven't heres a video.

Anywho enough with all that depressing shiz. Charlie Sheen, from Two and a Half men, has been fired, yes thats old news; but he also speaks out for himself, yet again. And this is what he says, “Jon has not called me. He’s a turncoat, a traitor, a troll. Clearly he’s a troll,” said Sheen. “He issued a statement. Is it gonna take me calling him a ‘traitor, juvenile and scared’ for him to get it?” I don't know who "Jon" is, but I really don't wanna be that guy. Ha. I guess that enough! Give something to blog about pleaseeee (: